Hey! đź‘‹

My name is Alexey.
I am a software engineer skilled in React, MobX, Ruby, JavaScript, Rails,
HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Redux, MongoDB.


Full-stack project management website inspired by Trello. Built with Ruby on Rails for the backend, PostgreSQL as the database, JavaScript, React, and Redux for the frontend. This app implements core CRUD functionality using RESTful API for desks, lists, and papers. It remotely stores users’ profile pictures in the cloud via AWS S3 to reduce server load.

Space Traveler

A data visualization tool that shows the time, distance, and generations amount it takes to reach a chosen exoplanet. This app is built with Vanilla JS for main logic and D3.js library for data visualization.


Professional networking application that allows users to connect in a simplified manner. This app is built with Express.js / Node.js for the backend, MongoDB as database, Mongoose library for a schema-based solution to model application data, and finally React / Redux, and JavaScript for the frontend.

About me

I grew up in Russia where I played professional Ice Hockey and studied International Relations. By traveling to different cities to compete in ice hockey tournaments and by studing diffirent nations and cultures at a college, I was able to develop the spirit of a traveler.

At the age of 21, I immigrated to the United States where I joined the construction workforce to work on some iconic buidlings in New York and San Francisco. Eventually, I decided to combine my love of building things and interest in tech to study software engineering.

In 2020, I got accepted to the intense software engineering bootcamp in San Francisco where I sharpened my skills in JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, React & Redux, PostgreSQL, and other technologies. After graduating the bootcamp, I joined an open source `Hack For LA` project where I learned to work in agile with a team of developers and designers.

As for now, I am currently working at a startup that builds virtual offices. The tech stack that we use is React, MobX, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and Heroku.

Let’s connect as I am curious to learn more about you!

Alexey Sergeev






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